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This article demonstrates the basic use of the msmbayes package to fit Bayesian multi-state models to longitudinal data consisting of intermittent observations of a state.

  • It shows that msmbayes can reproduce the true parameter values for a simulated dataset, within an expected margin of simulation error, and gives similar results to msm.

  • It gives some general hints and warnings about Bayesian implementation of these models, e.g. priors, computational challenges. Though this is the subject of ongoing research.

A general introduction to the theory and practice of multi-state modelling is given in the documentation and course notes for the msm package.

msmbayes essentially fits Bayesian versions of some of the models in msm. However msmbayes has more limited features - see the front page for a more detailed comparison.

Simulated infection testing data

These examples all use a simulated dataset designed to mimic a longitudinal study where people are repeatedly tested for an infection.

We assume a two-state multi-state model, with states “test positive” and “test negative”.

The data are simulated from a continuous-time Markov model with the following transition intensity matrix. Expressed in days or months, respectively, this is

Qtrue   <- rbind(c(-1/180, 1/180),
                 c( 1/10, -1/10))
Qtruemo <- Qtrue*365/12

That is, everyone starts with no infection, then,

  • the mean time until the next infection is 180 days (6 months) (the mean sojourn time in state 1)

  • the mean time with infection is 10 days (0.33 months) (the mean sojourn time in state 2)

We then suppose that 100 people are tested every 28 days, and assume the test is a perfect indicator of infection. The final dataset stores the state at each test time in the variable state.

We also simulate some covariates, including sex and age, and a state outcome statec which depends on these covariates (see below).

Note: age is expressed in units of (years - 50)/10. Centering around a typical value (50 years), and scaling to a unit of interest (10 years) will help with both MCMC computation and interpretation of parameters.

##   subject days months state  sex       age10 statec statep statepc
## 1       1    0   0.00     1 male -0.31322691      1      1       1
## 2       1   28   0.92     1 male  0.09182166      2      1       1
## 3       1   56   1.84     1 male -0.41781431      1      1       1
## 4       1   84   2.76     1 male  0.79764040      1      1       1
## 5       1  112   3.68     1 male  0.16475389      2      1       1
## 6       1  140   4.60     1 male -0.41023419      2      1       2

We analyse this dataset with continuous-time multistate models, where we assume transitions between states can happen at any time, and not just at the observation times. In this demonstration, when we fit the models, we pretend that we only know the state at the time of each test, and that we don’t know the true times of infection and recovery. This is the typical style of data that the msm package is used for — where the state is only known at a series of arbitrary times.

Note: Both msm and msmbayes allow any number of states and structure of allowed transitions. This includes models with or without “absorbing” states, such as death. However, msmbayes has some limitations, listed on the front page. For example, the “exact death times” observation scheme (where we suppose the time of death is known, but the state immediately before death is unknown) is not supported.

Fitting a basic Markov model with msmbayes

First we demonstrate fitting the basic two-state Markov multi-state model with no covariates. There are two unknown parameters: the transition intensities between 1-2 and 2-1.

The first argument to msmbayes is the dataset, and additional named arguments indicate the names of the columns in the data that contain the state, the time of observation and the subject (individual) identifier.

Note: unlike in msm(), the names of variables in the data must be quoted as strings, not “bare” variable names.

Q <- rbind(c(0, 1), 
           c(1, 0))
draws <- msmbayes(data=infsim, state="state", time="months", subject="subject",

Transition structure

The argument Q to msmbayes() is a square matrix that indicates the transition structure. This is in the same format as msm():

  • The number of rows (or columns) indicates the number of states, here 2.

  • The diagonal of this matrix is ignored - what you specify on the diagonal doesn’t matter.

  • The off-diagonal entries of Q which are 1 indicate the transitions that are allowed in continuous time (here, state 1 to state 2, and 2 to 1).

  • The off-diagonal entries of Q which are 0 indicate the transitions that are not allowed in continuous time.

Prior distributions for transition intensities

The parameters of the model, \(q_{rs}\), are transition intensities in continuous time. These are not probabilities, but rates. In particular, they are not probabilities of transition over an interval of time, as in a discrete-time Markov model. See, e.g. the msm course notes for more discussion of this distinction.

To interpret these values, note that \(q_{rs}\) is the rate at which transitions to \(s\) are observed for a population in state \(r\). So \(1/q_{rs}\) is the mean time to the next transition to \(s\) that would be observed in a population in state \(r\), if we were to observe one person at a time (switching to observing a different person if a “competing event”, i.e. a transition to a state other than \(s\), happens). Or put more simply perhaps, the mean time from state \(r\) to \(s\) if there were no competing events.

In a Bayesian model, prior distributions must be defined for all parameters. In msmbayes, normal priors are used for the log transition intensities. The mean and standard deviation of these priors can be set through the priors argument to the msmbayes function. This is a list of objects created by the function msmprior. These objects can be specified in various alternative ways:

  1. Directly specifying the mean and standard deviation for \(\log(q_{rs})\), e.g.:

    priors <- list(
      msmprior("logq(1,2)", mean=-1, sd=5),
      msmprior("logq(2,1)", mean=-1, sd=5)
  2. Specifying prior quantiles for \(\log(q_{rs})\), \(q_{rs}\) or \(1/q_{rs}\):

    We can specify two out of the median (i.e. 50% quantile), the lower 95% quantile or the upper 95% quantile for any of these quantities. Perhaps the easiest to interpret is \(1/q_{rs}\), the mean time to event \(s\) for people in \(r\), supplied here as time(r,s). Only two quantiles should be provided for each parameter, because this allows a unique normal distribution on \(\log(q_{rs})\) to be deduced. Different specifications can be mixed for different parameters, e.g. 

    priors <- list(
      msmprior("q(2,1)",    lower=0.001, upper=5),
      msmprior("time(1,2)", median=10, upper=30)

Note: the prior represents a belief about the average in a population - not a distribution for individual outcomes. Here, it means that we expect the average time from state 1 to state 2 (over a population) is 10 months, but this average could be as high as 30. We are not saying that we expect to see individual times to events of up to 30.

  1. Accept the defaults.

    For any parameters not supplied in the priors argument, a normal distribution with a mean of -2 and a standard deviation of 2 will be used for \(\log(q_{rs})\). This implies a 95% credible interval of between \(\exp(-6)=0.002\) and \(\exp(2)=7\) for the event rate, equivalent to a mean time to event of between 0.1 and 400. This is appropriately vague in many applications, but a more thoughtful choice is recommended in practice. Note the prior depends on the time unit (e.g. days or months).

The object priors is supplied as the priors argument to msmbayes, e.g. 

msmbayes(..., priors=priors,...)

Outputs from msmbayes

The msmbayes() function uses Stan to draw a sample from the joint posterior distribution of the model parameters. By default, MCMC is used, but faster approximations are available (see below).

msmbayes() returns an object in the draws format defined by the posterior R package. This format is understood by various Bayesian R packages. For example, we can use the bayesplot package to check that the MCMC chains have converged, using trace-plots of the main parameters (here the log transition intensities, labelled logq), and to examine the posterior distributions. Trace plots should look horizontal and fuzzy, like a sequence of independent draws from the same distribution, if the chains have converged (as here).

mcmc_trace(draws, pars=c("logq[1]","logq[2]"))

mcmc_dens(draws, pars=c("logq[1]","logq[2]"))

To summarise the basic parameter estimates (transition intensities here) use the summary() function. This gives a summary of the posterior for each parameter (variable value), alongside a summary of the prior for that parameter. Since transition intensities are hard to interpret in isolation, the mean sojourn times in each state are included alongside, labelled mst.

## # A tibble: 4 × 6
##   name   from    to         value prior               rhat
##   <chr> <int> <int>    <rvar[1d]> <chr>              <dbl>
## 1 q         1     2  0.16 ± 0.068 0.14 (0.0027, 6.7)  1.00
## 2 q         2     1  3.57 ± 1.509 0.14 (0.0027, 6.7)  1.00
## 3 mst       1    NA  6.66 ± 1.487 7.4 (0.15, 369)     1.00
## 4 mst       2    NA  0.30 ± 0.066 7.4 (0.15, 369)     1.00

The mean sojourn times are estimated to be (within estimation error) close to the true values of 6 and 0.33 months, as expected.

Set time=TRUE to summarise the \(1/q_{rs}\) (mean times to event, ignoring competing events, as described above) and their priors. If there are no competing risks, as here, these are equal to the mean sojourn times. Or set log=TRUE to summarise the \(\log(q_{rs})\).

summary(draws, time=TRUE)
## # A tibble: 4 × 6
##   name   from    to        value prior            rhat
##   <chr> <int> <int>   <rvar[1d]> <chr>           <dbl>
## 1 time      1     2  6.7 ± 1.487 7.4 (0.15, 369)  1.00
## 2 time      2     1  0.3 ± 0.066 7.4 (0.15, 369)  1.00
## 3 mst       1    NA  6.7 ± 1.487 7.4 (0.15, 369)  1.00
## 4 mst       2    NA  0.3 ± 0.066 7.4 (0.15, 369)  1.00

The summary output also gives the “Rhat” convergence diagnostic, which should be close to 1.0 if the MCMC estimation has converged (see here for more explanation.)

See also qdf() to get just the intensities, or qmatrix() for the same quantities in a matrix rather than data frame format, and mean_sojourn() to get just the mean sojourn times.

The value column of data frames returned by these functions is of type rvar. This data type is from the posterior package. It is designed to contain random variables, such as uncertain quantities in Bayesian models. Instead of a single value, it stores a sample from the quantity’s distribution. Here this is the posterior distribution. It is printed here as a posterior mean \(\pm\) one standard deviation.

To extract specific posterior summary statistics, the summary function can be used on any of these data frames.

With no further arguments, the default summary statistics from the posterior package will be used. Or the user can specify their own functions, as in the following call. See the posterior package documentation for more examples.

summary(mean_sojourn(draws), mean, median, ~quantile(.x, c(0.025, 0.975)))
##   state      mean    median      2.5%    97.5%
## 1     1 6.6641924 6.7440457 3.1701179 9.312367
## 2     2 0.3030738 0.3081527 0.1439558 0.419012

Fitting a Markov model with covariates

To demonstrate how to fit a Markov multi-state model with covariates, some data are simulated from a model with covariates.

The variable statec in the infsim data is simulated from a continuous-time Markov model with intensities \(q_{rsi} = q_{rs}^{(0)} \exp(\beta_{rs}^{(male)} male_i + \beta_{rs}^{(age)} age_i)\), where \(i\) is an individual, \(male_i\) is a binary indicator of whether they are male, and \(age_i\) is their age. The log hazard ratios for the effects of covariates on the 1-2 transition are \((\beta_{12}^{(male)}, \beta_{12}^{(age)}) = (2,1)\), and for the 2-1 transition, \((\beta_{21}^{(male)}, \beta_{21}^{(age)}) = (0,-1)\).

\(q_{rs}^{(0)}\) is the intensity for a “reference” or baseline individual, defined as a 50 year old woman. The same values as above are used for this. In the data infsim, age is expressed in units of 10 years, and centered around age 50. Centering around a value of interest helps with interpretation of the intercept term \(q_{rs}^{(0)}\). Centering and scaling covariates to a roughly unit scale also tends to help with computation, especially for MCMC.

To include covariates in a msmbayes model, a covariates argument is included. The following model supposes that sex and age are predictors of both the 1-2 and 2-1 transition intensities. Weakly informative priors are defined for the covariate effects, through specifying upper 95% credible limits of 50 for the hazard ratios.

priors <- list(msmprior("hr(age10,1,2)",median=1,upper=50),
draws <- msmbayes(infsim, state="statec", time="months", subject="subject",
                  Q=Q,  covariates = list(Q(1,2)~sex+age10, Q(2,1)~sex+age10),
                  priors = priors)

The syntax of the covariates argument is a list of formulae. Each formula has

  • a left-hand side that looks like Q(r,s) indicating which \(r \rightarrow s\) transition intensity is the outcome,

  • a right-hand side giving the predictors as a linear model formula.

For example, Q(2,1) ~ sex + age indicates that \(\log(q_{21})\) is an additive linear function of age and sex.

Note: This syntax is slightly different from msm, where we would use a named list of formulae with empty “outcome” left-hand sides, e.g. covariates = list("1-2" = ~sex+age, "2-1" = ~ sex+age).

After fitting a msmbayes model with covariates, the summary function on the model object returns the estimates of the baseline intensities \(q_{rs}^{(0)}\) and the hazard ratios \(exp(\beta_{rs})\), indicated here by covariate name and transition.

## # A tibble: 8 × 6
##   name         from    to         value prior               rhat
##   <chr>       <dbl> <dbl>    <rvar[1d]> <chr>              <dbl>
## 1 q               1     2  0.24 ± 0.095 0.14 (0.0027, 6.7) 0.999
## 2 q               2     1  5.48 ± 2.196 0.14 (0.0027, 6.7) 0.999
## 3 mst             1    NA  4.73 ± 1.599 7.4 (0.15, 369)    0.999
## 4 mst             2    NA  0.21 ± 0.070 7.4 (0.15, 369)    0.999
## 5 hr(sexmale)     1     2  5.70 ± 2.356 1 (0.023, 44)      0.999
## 6 hr(age10)       1     2  2.91 ± 1.074 1 (0.023, 44)      1.00 
## 7 hr(sexmale)     2     1  0.60 ± 0.262 1 (0.023, 44)      0.999
## 8 hr(age10)       2     1  0.34 ± 0.133 1 (0.023, 44)      1.00

The functions loghr or hr can be used to summarise the log hazard ratios or hazard ratios in isolation. The estimates of the log hazard ratios are close to the true values of 2, 1, 0, and -1 used to simulate the data, within estimation error.

##   from to    name       value
## 1    1  2 sexmale  1.7 ± 0.40
## 2    1  2   age10  1.0 ± 0.36
## 3    2  1 sexmale -0.6 ± 0.42
## 4    2  1   age10 -1.2 ± 0.40

Note the posterior distributions are skewed, hence the posterior mean of the hazard ratio is different from the \(\exp()\) of the posterior mean of the log hazard ratio. The mode or median may be preferred as a point estimate.

Priors on covariate effects

Normal priors are used for the log hazard ratios \(\beta\). These can be specified through the priors argument, as above, either by specifying the mean and SD for the log hazard ratios, or quantiles of either the hazard ratios or the log hazard ratios. Note the specific covariate should be referred to as well as the transition. For example, to define priors for the effect of age on the 1-2 and 2-1 transition rates respectively:

priors <- list(msmprior("loghr(age,1,2)", mean=0,   sd=2),
               msmprior("hr(age,2,1)",    median=1, upper=5))

For factor covariates, the appropriate factor level should be included in the name (as done for sexmale above).

For any priors for log hazard ratios not specified through priors, a default normal prior with mean 0 and SD 10 is used. Be careful of this prior choice. Bear in mind the likely size of covariate effects when choosing the prior variance. Make sure the prior represents any evidence about the effect that exists outside the data.

Notes on computation and tuning

  • The fit_method argument specifies the quoted name of a function in cmdstanr to be used to do the sampling. “sample” is the default. Users can pass arguments to these functions in to msmbayes to control sampling, e.g. initial values, parallel processing.

    • fit_method="laplace" uses a Laplace approximation which determines the posterior mode exactly, then uses a normal approximation to the distribution around this mode. MCMC reveals some skewed posterior distributions in this case, so the Laplace approximation is not ideal. However, it is much faster than MCMC.

    • fit_method="pathfinder" implements a variational approximation to the posterior. This is designed to be better than Laplace, and better than the standard variational method. It runs much faster than MCMC in this case, and is used in the example above.

    • fit_method="variational" runs quickly, similar to the Laplace method, but seems to give less nuanced posterior distributions than the Pathfinder method.

  • This example works with Stan’s default MCMC initial values, which are sampled from the priors. Users could also supply the init argument to msmbayes, which is passed to Stan.

  • If the model fits the data badly, then the sampling may be bad with any method.

  • Sampling can also be bad when covariate values are on different scales. Centering and scaling is usually sensible, as mentioned.

Comparison between a Bayesian and a frequentist multistate model

Compare with the same model fitted in the msm package by maximum likelihood. Awkwardly, the optimiser used by msm needs to be tuned (with the fnscale option) to find the global optimum.

msm(statec~months, subject=subject, data=infsim, qmatrix=Q, 
    covariates=list("1-2"=~sex+age10, "2-1"=~sex+age10),
    control=list(fnscale=1000, maxit=10000))
## Call:
## msm(formula = statec ~ months, subject = subject, data = infsim,     qmatrix = Q, covariates = list(`1-2` = ~sex + age10, `2-1` = ~sex +         age10), control = list(fnscale = 1000, maxit = 10000))
## Maximum likelihood estimates
## Baselines are with covariates set to their means
## Transition intensities with hazard ratios for each covariate
##                   Baseline                  sexmale               
## State 1 - State 1 -0.5114 (-1.2556,-0.2083)                       
## State 1 - State 2  0.5114 ( 0.2083, 1.2556) 4.5467 (1.5166,13.631)
## State 2 - State 1  3.7258 ( 1.5021, 9.2415) 0.4722 (0.1407, 1.585)
## State 2 - State 2 -3.7258 (-9.2415,-1.5021)                       
##                   age10                 
## State 1 - State 1                       
## State 1 - State 2 2.3576 (0.68633,8.099)
## State 2 - State 1 0.2687 (0.07144,1.011)
## State 2 - State 2                       
## -2 * log-likelihood:  2625.65
## [1] 7.3890561 2.7182818 1.0000000 0.3678794

The estimates of the hazard ratios (note, not the log hazard ratios here) are within estimation error of the true values, but they differ from those of the Bayesian model, due to the influence of the prior distributions. This shows that the information from the data is not strong enough to overcome the influence of the prior, and suggests that priors should be thoughtfully chosen and transparently communicated if this were a real example.

One common problem with multi-state models for intermittently-observed data is that the likelihood surface is awkwardly shaped. When using msm, this can lead to the optimiser appearing to “converge”, but to a local optimum, or “saddle point”, rather than the true global maximum of the likelihood. Symptoms of this problem may include very large confidence intervals (which happens here if fnscale is not set), or a warning related to the Hessian matrix being non-invertible. More seriously, there may be convergence to the wrong optimum but with no obvious symptoms - this can only be detected by running the optimiser many times with different initial values.

An advantage of the Bayesian estimation methods used here is that after sampling, we can see the full shape of the posterior distribution. In this example, the posterior is skewed for all the model parameters, and there is evidence that it may be “multimodal”, i.e. has several peaks.

mcmc_dens(draws, pars=c("logq[1]","logq[2]","loghr[1]","loghr[2]","loghr[3]","loghr[4]"),

Phase-type semi-Markov models, and misclassification models

See the vignette about advanced multi-state models in msmbayes.