Compute a basis for a natural cubic spline, by default using the parameterisation described by Royston and Parmar (2002). Used for flexible parametric survival models.
- knots
Vector of knot locations in increasing order, including the boundary knots at the beginning and end.
- x
Vector of ordinates to compute the basis for.
- spline
to use the natural cubic spline basis described in Royston and Parmar."splines2ns"
to use the alternative natural cubic spline basis from thesplines2
package (Wang and Yan 2021), which may be better behaved due to the basis being orthogonal.
A matrix with one row for each ordinate and one column for each knot.
returns the basis, and dbasis
returns its derivative
with respect to x
and dfss
are the same, but with the order of the
arguments swapped around for consistency with similar functions in other R
The exact formula for the basis is given in flexsurvspline
Royston, P. and Parmar, M. (2002). Flexible parametric proportional-hazards and proportional-odds models for censored survival data, with application to prognostic modelling and estimation of treatment effects. Statistics in Medicine 21(1):2175-2197.
Wang W, Yan J (2021). Shape-Restricted Regression Splines with R Package splines2. Journal of Data Science, 19(3), 498-517.