The Kullback-Leibler discrepancy of an approximation \(p(x)\) to a distribution with true density function \(q(x)\) is
\[ \int p(x)log(p(x)/q(x))dx = \int p(x)(log(p(x) - log(q(x))))dx \]
We wish to assess elicited approximations to a true posterior. We will probably not know the true posterior analytically, but through an MCMC sample.
The following R function calculates the Kullback-Leibler discrepancy of an elicited distribution, given by a fitted Beta(mu*ess, (1-mu)*ess)
, to a true distribution given by an MCMC sample y
. It uses a kernel density estimate of the true distribution, and numerical integration.
kl <- function(y, mu, ess){
d <- density(y, from=0, to=1)
dfn <- with(d, approxfun(x = x, y = y))
fn <- function(x){
p <- dfn(x)
q <- dbeta(x, mu*ess, (1-mu)*ess)
p*(log(p) - log(q))
integrate(fn, 0, 1)
Suppose the true distribution is a Beta(a=5,b=5), equivalent to Beta(mn, (1-m)n) with mean m=0.5 and effective sample size (ESS) n=10
a <- 5
b <- 5
m <- a/(a+b)
n <- a+b
y <- rbeta(10000, a, b)
We examine various elicited distributions which differ from the true distribution in two ways:
ranging from 0.2 to 0.8mu.el <- seq(0.2, 0.8, by=0.05)
x <- seq(0, 1, by=0.01)
plot(x, dbeta(x, a, b), type="l", lwd=3, ylim=c(0,5), xlab="Target parameter for elicitation (a probability)", ylab="Probability density")
for (i in seq(along=mu.el)){
lines(x, dbeta(x, mu.el[i]*n, (1-mu.el[i])*n), col="gray")
legend("topleft",col=c("black","gray"), lwd=c(3,1), c("True", "Elicited"))
ranging from about 0.3 to 3 times the true ESS.n.el <- 10*2^(seq(-6, 6, by=1)/4)
## [1] 3.535534 4.204482 5.000000 5.946036 7.071068 8.408964 10.000000
## [8] 11.892071 14.142136 16.817928 20.000000 23.784142 28.284271
plot(x, dbeta(x, a, b), type="l", lwd=3, ylim=c(0,5), xlab="Target parameter for elicitation (a probability)", ylab="Probability density")
for (i in seq(along=n.el)){
lines(x, dbeta(x, m*n.el[i], (1-m)*n.el[i]), col="gray")
legend("topleft",col=c("black","gray"), lwd=c(3,1), c("True", "Elicited"))
The KL discrepancy from the true distribution is calculated for elicited distribution defined by each combination of bias and overconfidence values.
kl.el <- matrix(nrow=length(mu.el), ncol=length(n.el))
for (i in seq(along=mu.el)){
for (j in seq(along=n.el)){
kl.el[i,j] <- kl(y, mu.el[i], n.el[j])$value
jtrue <- which(n.el==10)
plot(mu.el, kl.el[, jtrue], type="l", xlim=c(0,1), xlab="Elicited mean", ylab="Kullback-Leibler discrepancy")
abline(v=m, col="gray"); text(x=m, y=0, pos=4, "True mean 0.5", col="gray")
The KL between the biased distribution and the true distribution is symmetric with respect to the sign of bias, i.e. whether true posterior mean is overestimated / underestimated.
itrue <- which(mu.el==0.5)
plot(n.el, kl.el[itrue, ], type="l", xlim=c(0, 30), xlab="Elicited effective sample size", ylab="Kullback-Leibler discrepancy")
abline(v=n, col="gray"); text(x=n, y=0, pos=4, "True ESS 10", col="gray")
The KL has an asymmetric relationship with the level of confidence as measured by ESS. Doesn’t quite look symmetric on the log-scale either. ESS of 20 (double the appropriate confidence) has a higher KL than an ESS of 5 (half confidence).
The contours in the plot below show bias and overconfidence combinations which are penalised equally by Kullback Leibler.
For example, given true mean 0.5 and true ESS 10:
plot(mu.el, n.el, type="n", xlab="Elicited mean", ylab="Elicited effective sample size", )
levs <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6)
getPalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Greens"))
.filled.contour(x=mu.el, y=n.el, z=kl.el, levels=levs, col=getPalette(length(levs)-1))
contour(x=mu.el, y=n.el, z=kl.el, levels=levs, add=TRUE)
abline(h=10, v=0.5, col="gray")